Contact Me

Email: RBrowningWhite <at>

Twitter: @RBrowningWhite

Instagram: Rhonda.Browning.White\

Press 53 Author Page:


Is your book club looking for an author engagement? Want a writer to speak to your classroom? Need to add a bit of culture to your coffee shop, winery, bakery, or brewery? Looking for a guest blogger? Let’s get together! Contact me through one of the sources above, and we’ll plan an event that’ll make you happy!



6 thoughts on “Contact Me

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  1. Hi Rhonda, stumbled across your site on a bizarre journey and enjoyed your writing. I’m from Charleston, go Spartans… X-Files wasn’t it??

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Rhonda
    Congrats on short story collection Lightness of Water (great title). Hope your reading Dec 16 goes well, and I know you will fill the evening with spunk and grace. I’ll purchase collection soon from Fiction 53. I did a reading Sept. 12 in Guanajuato Mexico. More to say but will be brief. My best,
    George Lies
    Morgantown Writers

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi, Rachelle! When I look at my Facebook page, I see a share button, and in fact, nearly a dozen friends have shared the post using that button. Could it be perhaps that you’re not seeing it because we’re not “friends” on Facebook? If that’s the case, feel free to send a friend request. 🙂

      As an alternative, you can always copy/paste the site address into a new post.

      Thank you so much for your question! Write on!


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